Over-the-Air Updates and Fleet Management at Scale

Embedded Artistry and Memfault are joining forces to host a quarterly embedded discussion panel that is focused on the technical aspects of building embedded systems at scale. We will be featuring guest panel members who are at the cutting edge of embedded development. Our goal is to spread beneficial techniques and practices throughout the industry. …

Saving 10 Minutes on Documentation Wasted Hours of My Client’s Time

A recent experience drove this point home for me: insufficient documentation wastes everyone's time. In Adding Delimiters Between String Elements in C++, I described the creation of a "convenience function" that would simplify the use of a logger in a client project. When I made that change in the client's code base, I added the …

Dealing with Signed Commits When Creating and Splitting a Monorepo

A major roadblock on the way to the goal of developing in a monorepo and distributing to standalone repositories arose with signed commits. This article logs the problems I faced, options for addressing the issue, and my thoughts on the matter. This is still an open investigation, and I am logging my ideas and results. …

An Experiment: Develop in a Monorepo and Distribute to Standalone Repositories

I am ideologically aligned with distributing code in repositories that serve a single purpose. As a software consumer, I think that smaller, single purpose repositories and components are more approachable and easier to use. Of course, every decision comes with its tradeoffs, and this one has caused us significant pain. The overhead in developing and …

Looking Ahead to 2023

2022 has been a busy year for Embedded Artistry. We completed version one of Designing Embedded Software for Change, grew our membership program (37 countries represented!), launched a well-received quarterly discussion panel with the Memfault team, took on our first intern, and consulted with clients around the world. There's more work to do before we …