The Value of a Perpetual Project

1 December 2020 by Phillip Johnston • Last updated 16 December 2021In our entry “Want to Excel in the Modern World? Master These Three Skills“, I shared my opinion that learning, adapting, and filtering information are the most important skills to master in your career. We can combine these skills and take a learning approach that I called “just-in-time” (JIT) learning. With JIT learning, you only learn new things as required by your immediate situation. I think this is the most efficient approach to learning: you are able to apply your new knowledge right away, which means that you are …

Want to Excel in the Modern World? Master These Three Skills

24 November 2020 by Phillip Johnston • Last updated 16 December 2021When I was initially thinking about the advice I would give to someone just starting out on the embedded systems journey, I was focused on making a list of the important technical skills. Then I realized that the most important skills to master aren’t the technical ones. Humans today are faced with a difficult problem: the world is getting more and more complex every day. From my vantage point, it seems that most of the progress in the course of human history has occurred in the last 100 years …